I made an executive decision to change the title of this series. It will no longer be called Cancer Journey, but Healing Journey. I had wanted to reach people going through cancer to see what my life looks like with the diagnosis, but cancer is not really a main focus for me anymore. I am healing. I am hoping that others going through this will see the healing that is occurring and not just the trials. Through prayers of people around the world to the one and only God, and by his healing powers … [Read More...]
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Cancer Journey- Part 11
There have been so many changes in these past few weeks that it's hard to remember all of them. One thing that hasn't changed is the lobular breast cancer numbers continue to go down. Yay! Praise God!Ben and I met with Dr. M two weeks ago to go over my counts, talk more extensively about the PET scan results and any new issues I may be having. He was smiling as he said that the numbers showed a statistically significant drop. That means there was enough of a difference that it wasn't just a … [Read More...]

Cancer Journey- Part 10
Wow! Has it really been months since I last did an update? I suppose I should apologize, but it would be rather disingenuous of me. I've had plenty of opportunities to write, but I have chosen to enjoy being back in our home and doing all the stuff that comes with having things to physically work on. There was always something to do outside: flower beds to weed (my parents made a trip to help almost weekly), apples to harvest, and blackberry vines to tame. We enjoyed many celebrations and … [Read More...]

Cancer Journey- Part 9
Where did July go?! Oh, yes, it went to unpacking, yard work, and some fun stuff, too. I mentioned in Part 8 that I met my new doctor and that I would tell you about that in this post. If you would like to read Part 8, click here. If you would like to read from the beginning, click here.The New DocJuly 5th Ben and I got an early start and made the two-and-a-half-hour drive from his dad's house up to Ft. Lewis to meet my new doctor. His name is Dr. M. A friend in Texas was also treated by … [Read More...]

Cancer Journey- Part 8
Wow! I forget how busy and mentally draining it is to move! We are now in Washington and enjoying much cooler weather than Texas is having. Most of all we are enjoying being with family and friends and getting our property back up to par after 6 years of renters. Let me back up and get you up to date as to what has been going on. If you would like read from the beginning click here, or to read part 7 click here. Good-ByesMy father-in-law was able to join us for Sister's graduation. The … [Read More...]
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Cancer Journey – Part 7
If you would like read Part 6 click here, or to start at the beginning, click here."God, who foresaw your tribulation, has specially armed you to go through it, not without pain but without stain." - … [Read More...]

Cancer Journey – Part 6
If you would like to read part 5 click here. If you would like to start at the beginning, please click here.Eye DoctorLast time I saw Dr. B I mentioned the weird vision issue that I started having. … [Read More...]

Cancer Journey – Part 5
If you would like to read part 4, click here.Brain MRI ResultsI am on my patient portal to view all my records probably more often than what is necessary. I keep looking for any new piece of … [Read More...]

Cancer Journey- Part 4
If you would like to read Part 3, click here.The DiagnosisApril 6th came and even though I had read the words, "metastatic breast carcinoma" myself I still had hopes that it wasn't as bad as it … [Read More...]

Cancer Journey- Part 3
If you would like to read parts 1 or 2 just click on the one you would like: Part 1, Part 2I left off from part 2 with appointments finally in order. New AppointmentsOne day my phone rang. It was a … [Read More...]

Cancer Journey- Part 2
I left off of the last post being admitted to the hospital. If you would like to read that first, click here.The Hospital StayI should state that conversations with a whole slew of various doctors … [Read More...]

Cancer Journey-Part 1
This is a blog post that I never imagined needing or wanting to write, but here I am. I have been diagnosed with Lobular Breast Cancer or Invasive Lobular Carcinoma (ILC). It has no medical cure, … [Read More...]

Cozy Faux Fireplace
Christmas has come and gone, and I haven't shared my big project with you all! I really did mean to put it on here last month, but once I was on vacation, being on my computer was the furthest thing … [Read More...]

Little Library Quilt
A friend of mine is a total book lover. When she told me that she was expecting baby number two I knew exactly what the theme the baby blanket was going to be: a little library. I got started on … [Read More...]

DIY Arm Sling
Before I begin I want to thank all my friends and family that prayed for Little Bit during this adventure. It's a blessing knowing that I can just throw something out on Facebook and I have an … [Read More...]