Look what my father-in-law brought me! Pretty cool, right? Okay, so maybe you don't see what I see and that's perfectly fine. I think I can make you come around. My father-in-law offered it to me this last summer, but at the time we had just moved across country and were staying with them until we closed on our house so I had no where to take it. And once we were in our new house I had … [Read more...]
Archives for May 2016
Younger Daughter’s Room
My youngest was so patient in waiting for her turn to play designer. She so desperately wanted to help with her big sister's and big brother's rooms, but had to wait for her own. She had her paint chips narrowed down to about twenty colors (I wonder where she gets that from) and finally had to decide. All along she had wanted a green room. Not some soft soothing green, but a full on … [Read more...]
Dressing Up a Plain Pot with Chalk Board Paint
It's that time of the year again when I get itching to start planting and making things pretty. This year, for the first time, I picked up some herbs. I've always wanted to do an herb garden in a window box outside my kitchen window. I have this romantic vision of opening my window and pinching off some fresh herbs and adding them to my lovingly made home cooked dinner. My family would say … [Read more...]
Boy’s Room
When we bought our house my son's room started out as a typical little boy's room. It was light blue with cartoon airplanes painted on the walls. It was done well and it was cute, but for an 8 year old it was just a little too babyish. With moving a lot due to being a military family, it's really important to me to let the kids make their rooms their own. I let my son take the wheel in … [Read more...]
Oldest Daughter’s room
My oldest daughter tends to get the short end of the stick when it comes to bedrooms. She shared a room with her baby sister for a few years. Then she let the younger two choose their rooms first in our last home and obviously ended up with the room nobody wanted. And now in our new home she has the storage room. Our three bedrooms are all on the upper level and she could have gone back to … [Read more...]