Happy New Year Everyone!
Now is the time when we think back over last year’s highs and lows, come to deep insights about our lives and set forth new goals for this new year. Well, some people do. I generally do not. The one time I made a resolution, a few years ago, it came not from deep thought or internal longing but annoyance at tripping over the laundry basket. So my resolution was simply to fully wash, dry, fold and put away all laundry on whatever day I happened to do it on. I do meet that goal 60% of the time, but when it’s evening and the day has been busy that last load really likes to sit in the dryer until the dryer is needed two days later. I don’t get upset or give up laundry altogether when I fail, I just try again two days later.
This year, for the second time in my life, I’ve decided to give another go at the resolution thing. I have decided to be more thankful for the gifts/talents I have. Now, don’t get me wrong, I don’t dislike my giftings, I just find myself wishing I had other ones. Mainly ones that are not even remotely attainable to me. For example, being able to play the violin. Now you may say, “You could go take lessons and practice really hard for a long time and…” True, I could do those things, but I would not get anywhere with it.
I have absolutely no musical ability in my body, soul or mind whatsoever. I can not sing on key, move to a beat or play an instrument with more that one hand at a time. My piano teacher once said, “You are a very smart girl, but you have no rhythm.” She was right and I quit shortly after that. It wasn’t out of hurt feelings or a sense of defeat, but a realization that it just wasn’t my thing.
I am thankful that I took lessons because I am able to read basic music and follow along with hymns that I don’t know very well in church. I am not able to make my voice go to the correct notes, but I do know that I’m hitting the wrongs ones and that I should do so with a bit less volume.
I’ve prayed (whined) to God, asking why I couldn’t have been given musical ability. The answer He gave was pretty simple. Paraphrased, it went like this: In order for a musical gift to be fully used it must be performed. Do you really want to be in front of others performing?
Now my answer: No! No, I do not!
Romans 12:6 says, “Having gifts (faculties, talents, qualities) that differ according to the grace given us, let us use them.”
Joyce Meyer explains it a bit further:
“Don’t feel bad about yourself if you are not able to do what someone else is anointed to do. God anoints each of us to contribute to the body of Christ in some unique way. What God enables you to do is no more or less important than what He has called someone else to do. God made you different from everyone else to fulfill the desire of His heart, and He promises to fulfill the desire of your heart too. He will anoint whatever He’s given you, so place your gifts in His power today, and enjoy yourself.” Joyce Meyer, Starting Your Day Right.
I like having the ability to visualize projects, create my own plans, sew/build/paint whatever the project is and be able to enjoy the end product. I like that there is something to share with others and that I don’t have to do any of it in front of anyone. Can I sew like Nancy, build like Bob Villa, or paint like Bob Ross? No, but what I can do I will.
Will I still dream about playing the violin? Sure, but instead of being bummed about my lack of ability I will just put on a CD, be blessed that someone else did the hard work of learning how to play and I’ll go back to doing the easy stuff like building my fireplace mantle.
I pray you each have a blessed new year. Take joy in the gifting that has been given to you and use it to the fullest! One more thing, remember to give thanks to God for blessing you with it.
P.S. Just so you know I totally cheated with this painting. It’s a paint-by-number.
I love this post! God gifted you perfectly, my friend!?
A good reminder. I will remember this when I am wishing I could just build a simple little shelf for myself. Because I cannot. No two measurements are the same and I am a menace with hand tools. I love all of your do-it-yourself projects and am cheering you on in spite of being a tiny bit jealous that I am not similarly gifted.