School is almost back in session so I thought I better get the school house ready to go. I've been doing little things here and there the past couple months on the outside to cheer it up a bit. The outside is obviously not the most important part of the school house, but it's the part I see from my kitchen window so it's the part that has gotten all the attention so far. Here is what it … [Read more...]
Friendship Star Dresser
A few weeks ago we were all out at the lake visiting family for the weekend. For some reason we had both vehicles with us, so for the trip home the kids divided themselves up between my husband and myself. Ben and Brother stayed behind to finish up some work at his parents' house and the girls and I headed for home. It was still early in the afternoon and we had no time constraints so we … [Read more...]
Boy’s Bike Basket
My kids love going on bike rides. I like to think it's for the exercise, but I'm pretty sure its just because it's like a free yard sale. Along the way they find all sorts of treasures: flowers, rocks, screws, springs... What ever catches their eye they have to stop and inspect it. A lot of it ends up coming home with us. The girls have an easy time toting their finds. They have cute … [Read more...]
Shed to School House Makeover – Rebuild
So this is where we were after the demo had been completed. Walls and floors had been torn out. Ants and mice and their nests had been removed. We were down to the studs and a clean slate. Rebuilding took a lot longer than I imagined it would. I needed a lot of help from Ben. He had work and his own projects going on elsewhere on the property, but he took a couple of weekends to get me … [Read more...]
Shed to School House Makeover – demo
Home schooling my kiddos is very rewarding. Seeing them go from learning their letters and numbers to reading novels and starting to understand algebra makes me so proud. Over all it's pretty gratifying, but the day to day challenges can be quite overwhelming. Watching them struggle with a new concept is hard. I want to jump in and make it easy, but I know that if they work at it, it will … [Read more...]